2023-10-24 17:47
- 上一篇:油脂机械及综合利用成套设备、自动化控制设备的研发、生产、销售及技术服务,机电产品(除小轿车)、仪器仪表、水处理设备的销售,高低压配电系统设备的安装、销售及技术服务,网络监控系统的设计、研发、生产、安装和技术服务;计算机软硬件、办公自动化设备的销售和技术服务;计算机软件开发与测试;仪器、设备材料的测试、试验与检测;模型设计、制作;压力、温度、流量、声学、电磁等测试设备的研发、生产销售及技术服务;工业自动化控制系统研发、生产、安装、销售和技术服务;货物与技术的进出口经营(国家限制、禁止和须经审批进出口的货物和技术除外)。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)
- 下一篇:Research and development, production, sales, and technical services of oil machinery and comprehensive utilization equipment, automation control equipment. sales of electromechanical products (excluding sedans), instruments and meters, water treatment equipment, installation, sales, and technical services of high and low voltage distribution system equipment, design, research and development, production, installation, and technical services of network monitoring and control systems; Sales and technical services of computer software and hardware, office automation equipment; Computer software development and testing; Checking, testing, and detection of instruments, equipment and materials; Model design and production; Research and development, production, sales, and technical services of testing equipment for pressure, temperature, flow, acoustics, and electromagnetism; Research and development, production, installation, sales, and technical services of industrial automation control systems; Import and export operations of goods and technologies (excluding goods and technologies that are restricted, prohibited, and require approval for import and export by the state). (Projects that require approval according to law can only be operated with the approval of relevant departments)